

Is your preschooler ready for a ton of fun? I've been teaching piano lessons to students of all ages for years and I love using this preschool piano program for the youngest piano learners! I strive to create an environment where preschool piano students gain a positive first music lesson experience. I am thrilled to be a part of the WunderKeys community, and believe the benefits of early piano lessons will set your child up for success later on in life. I'd love the opportunity to get to know you and your preschooler Please read the information below and contact me to ask questions and get started with WunderKeys!


I offer a completely free no obligation 2 lesson trial for potential WunderKeys students. Your first 2 WunderKeys lessons are free to allow us to decide whether or not your child is ready for piano lessons. The free lessons also give you an idea of what WunderKeys lessons are like and help your child to feel comfortable with the environment. My WunderKeys spots are limited, so please contact me to sign up for your 2 free trial lessons. 


What is WunderKeys? 
Wunderkeys was created by a husband-wife music teaching team in Canada to fill the need for a piano curriculum suitable for a 3-5 year old. "Traditional" piano lessons in which a child is expected to sit at the piano for 30 minutes or more is just not appropriate for most children this age. WunderKeys lessons, like regular piano lessons, are once a week. Each 1-on-1, 30 minute lesson includes time on and off the piano bench, engaging the student in 5-6 activities that develop keyboard awareness, basic note recognition, the necessary fine motor skills to play the piano, counting games, and pattern games. 

Do I need a piano at home? 
You are certainly not required to go out and buy a baby grand piano! However, because reviewing at home throughout the week is helpful for your child's retention of material learned during the lesson and for his or her continued growth, he or she will benefit from at least a basic keyboard on which to practice at home. A small keyboard like this is just fine. I can assist you with finding a keyboard or piano that fits your needs and budget if you decide to try piano lessons. 

Is it really a free trial? 
Yep! There is no commitment at all and it really si completely free. IF we feel that the program is not a good fit or that your child needs to be a little bit older, we will simply push "pause" and wait until he or she is ready to continue. 

What is the deal with math? 
Wunderkeys is primarily a program designed to teach beginning piano skills. However, it is a well-known fact that music and math are closely related. As a bonus to this program, the WunderKeys books highlight this relationship and give your child a head start on Kindergarten math concepts and a positive first exposure to math. WunderKeys students learn sorting, ordering, counting, comparison, classification, and pattern recognition.

When will they play songs? 
The developmental abilities of 3 to 5 year olds are very different than that of 6+ year old students, for which most other piano curriculums are created. There are many different concepts a preschooler needs to grasp before jumping into a "traditional" piano piece. Therefore, our preschool piano lessons are spent exploring the piano in ways in which they are capable. Lessons are geared towards having them understand everything they will need to know before being able to read notated music. It's the perfect way to lead into a mainstream book series... and a life of musical enjoyment. WunderKeys duets allow preschoolers to play "real pieces" along with their teacher, ensuring success and enjoyment.

I have no musical background at all. How can I help my child at home? 
After each lesson is a Home Activity Sheet that can be completed with your child during practice time at home. The books are designed to allow parents to help with home practice, regardless of prior musical knowledge. At this age, "practicing" should be approximately 10 minutes every day, and is spent reinforcing what was learned in the lesson, and building finger strength and coordination. The intent is for home practice to provide you with some "bonding on the bench" time with your child, sharing in the fun of music.

Do I need to purchase the books? 
We can do the first 4 lessons with a free trial packet I print for you. After that, there are three books in the WunderKeys series. Each book costs $14.95 and can be purchased directly from me. The books include both lesson activities and home activity pages. There are no other material fees involved.

Wunderkeys is a product of Teach Music Today Learning Solutions
1900 Vee Road
Cowichan Bay, BC, Canada